We are located in the heart of Walkertown near the intersection of US-158 and Hwy 66, adjacent to Walkertown Community Park.
Depending on your exact location, we are about:
5-10 minutes from anywhere in Walkertown
10-15 minutes from Kernersville and Belows Creek
20-25 minutes from Winston-Salem, Germanton, Union Cross, King, Colfax or Wallburg.
Physical Address: 2715 Darrow Rd. Walkertown, NC 27051
Click here for directions.
Click here for a campus map.

Clothes. We do require that! But other than that, dress comfortably. You will see people in everything from shorts to suits.
Every time we gather, whether for worship, Sunday school, small groups, Bible studies or other activities, it is our desire that the power of God will be seen, the presence of God will be felt, and the truth of God will be presented.
We want you to be comfortable, feel welcome and experience the awesomeness of God and our church family from the moment you arrive.

There are many opportunities to connect with a smaller group outside of the worship services. These intimate settings are designed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and deepen your faith alongside other believers.
Our Sunday School groups are where community is built, commitments are made, care is given, and life change takes place. These groups meet Sundays at 10:00am at various locations throughout the church, and oftentimes throughout the month for mission work, to socialize and to support each other.
We invite you to visit any Sunday school group, rotating as often as you would like, or if you find a particular one where you "fit", stick around there for a while! The pastor, a greeter, an usher or most anyone can help you find one when you arrive.
Seasonal Bible studies are also offered throughout the year to learn, grow and connect spiritually with people from across worship services and groups. There are also women's, men's and senior's groups that gather regularly for various activities.

We offer children a fun and spiritually engaging environment to learn about Christ.
We are a certified 'Safe Sanctuary' congregation, so you can be assured that your children will be cared for in a safe environment designed to help them experience the love of God.
For babies and toddlers, a nursery is available at the 9am and 11am worship services. Children can be dropped off before or during a worship service and an usher or greeter can help you locate these once you arrive.
For children age 3 years old to 5th grade, Children's Church activities are available at the 9am and 11am worship services and are geared for the different age groups. A special announcement will be made at these services to let you know when those programs begin.
For youth age 6th-12th grade, the youth group meets at 10am on Sundays and throughout the week for various activities.