Jesus leaves us with a pretty strong message that we are to "go and do" and get into the messiness of life by supporting others around us - the poor, the widowed, the imprisoned, the grieving, the outcasts, the downtrodden, the forgotten - so His work can continue through our own actions.
We believe it is important for all Christ-followers to devote a balanced portion of their time and talents to doing God's work, in order to grow in their faith. When you make the time to follow Him more closely, you become less selfish and more selfless.
And, that's a good thing. So, remember...
God doesn't call the qualified - He qualifies those he calls.
Soon, various opportunities to serve as part of the missions and ministries of Morris Chapel will be posted here.
Until then...
We pray...that you'll be led to give a balanced portion of your time to the work to be done...that your faith will be expanded by giving your time to do His work...that those who you have yet to serve will find Jesus' love in the work done by your hands...and that God's kingdom gets expanded here on earth, through the simple acts you can do. Amen.


We believe that we are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and are intent on growing the family of God in our own community and beyond.
If you are in need of food, clothing or other basics, we can help.
If you want to expand your faith by serving others, but don't know where to start, we can help with that too.
"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:35
In Forsyth County, 1 in 4 people lives at or under the poverty line. Many are food insecure within our own community, not knowing where they will get their next meal. Children are going to school hungry, unable to concentrate on their studies and pushing them further behind in their education. Working adults are having to choose between food, medications and keeping the lights on.

Food Pantry
Open weekly on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-11am. We work in conjunction with Second Harvest Food Bank to provide food to those living within and around the 27051 zip code.
Meals on Wheels
We partner with other churches to provide meals to the elderly and home-bound on a regular basis, coordinating with the local Meals-on-Wheels chapter.
Community Thanksgiving Lunch
Annual event open to the community to enjoy a home-cooked meal, complete with turkey and all the fixings.

Weekend Feeding Program
We coordinate with local schools to provide a backpack of food to children who are at-risk for being hungry during the weekend when they don't have access to meals at school.

Bethesda Center for Homeless
We provide a monthly meal, devotion and prayer for clients of this homeless shelter in Winston-Salem. It is an invaluable connection to better understand why people are homeless, and how we can be better advocates for those who find themselves without a home. At the basic level, we pray for their needs and provide a warm meal. - This mission is currently being re-evaluated by our Missions Team. We hope to once again begin working with the Bethesda Center soon!
Operation Christmas Child- We are a collection hub for this ministry and send work teams to the sorting center in Charlotte to aid in this global ministry.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." ~Acts 1:8